Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Issue with Horse Meat

The above link contains an article with an infograph on the horsemeat issues as of late.

The article goes further in depth on the discovery of horsemeat and why and how it may be harmful to you.

Horsemeat itself isn't unsafe to ingest, it is as safe as any other livestock, when treated as a livestock. 

The problem stems from the fact that the distribution of horsemeat isn't regulated in the same way that beef or pork may be in most countries, that horses are often not expected to end up on the butcher block and as a result are often treated with manners that can create unsafe consumption.

That's not to say the horsemeat being served is unsafe, no cases have been reported where anyone was negatively effected, it is a safety risk however as there is no way of telling whether a show horse ended up in the meat or a horse bred as livestock. The former may have various medications and treatments making the meat unsafe for consumption while the latter would be perfectly safe. 

However, even if it is not directly a safety issue it is still an issue. Horsemeat is considered taboo in many countries and is mentioned nowhere as an ingredient in many of these foods, this is deceptive and most people would not be happy with that discovery. The current regulations are not catching these oversights and while this particular issue may not pose a serious health risk to the population, it is a potential health issue. And since an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, preventing any possible future outbreaks is extremely important, which is why this particular issue is getting so much attention as of late. 

-Contributed by Lukas Louwagie

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